Using multiple timezones in your trip
During your trip, you might have multiple time zones, especially when traveling internationally. With Tripsy, you manage everything easily, so it’s very flexible.
Tripsy will always try to set the correct timezone for you, depending on the location of the activity, or even by using Tripsy Automation. Still, sometimes you might need to change it manually for your needs.
This page will explain how the trip timezone works and how you can customize it per activity in case is necessary.
Trip timezone
This (e.g. Berlin, Germany) is the main timezone of your trip, so all activities that don’t have a specific timezone will follow this one. We recommend you to set this timezone to the area you’re traveling to, and if you have a long trip where you will stay at different timezones, split your trip into more trips if you want.
Activity timezone
To set a different timezone for a specific activity, you can switch that by tapping “Set specific hour.” Then the trip timezone will show up at the right bottom of the time picker, tap on it and choose a new timezone.
Different timezone between departure and arrival on flights and other transportation methods
Before saving your transportation activity
When you need to have different time zones between departure and arrival locations, you can select one timezone for each location. Tap on the "Departure" or "Arrival" button, select an activity date, then the "Set specific hour" will show up at the right bottom of the time picker, tap on it and choose a new timezone.