How to find my flight?

When adding a new activity, you will find a category Flight. On the following screen, you will need to input the flight number and the departure date of your flight, this way, we can search for the official information.

What's my flight number?

A flight number is a code for an airline service consisting of a two-character airline designator and a 1 to 4 digit number in the aviation industry. For example, "AA 107" is an American Airlines service from London to New York. You can find this number in your ticket, receipt, or email that you received from your reservation.

My flight still cannot be found, what to do?

Sometimes Tripsy won't be able to find your flight. In this case, you can contact our support to understand the situation, and we can help you figure out why. It can be for many reasons, like any third-party services we use don't have this flight information or the airline didn't send the updated information yet. Send us an email to to figure that out with you.

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